The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 22, 2012

Official News page 2


by Hazed

Alan has coded in a limit to the amount of money that a cartel’s treasury can hold. The limit is 2 gigagroats.

This is necessary because we recently had a Plutocrat who made so much money that his cartel treasury hit the absolute limit which caused it to flip over to a very, very large negative number.

So now, once the cartel treasury hits the limit of 2 gig, any money that should go into it (from customs duties or joining fees) will just vanish. It’ll still come out of its source, whatever that is. The exception to this is that if you try to use the ‘TRANSFER’ command to put money into the cartel treasury, and there isn’t room for it, the command just won’t work so you won’t lose the cash.

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