Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 9, 2012

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by Hazed

Never mind all that real life political stuff involving Democans and Republicrats. The really important vote you must cast is to vote for Fed2 as your favorite game. And unlike presidential elections, you get to vote every day!

The voting booth is situated on The Mud Connector, one of the leading sites about multi-player games. We have a listing on TMC but so do thousands of other games. We need a way to make sure Fed2 is visible to browsers, and doesn’t get lost in the crowd.

This is important because if we don’t have a steady stream of new players coming into the game, it’ll stagnate. It’s not just vampires that need new blood - Fed does too.

TMC has a list that ranks the best games on the net, and the rankings are compiled using votes by players. As I write this, we’re at number 16. We need to climb higher and ideally get into the top ten where we will have maximum visibility. To do that we need as many players as possible to vote for us, and to keep on voting for us regularly. The TMC voting system lets you vote once a day.

If you are one of the players that already votes every single day then thank you - keep up the good work.

If you have voted in the past but don’t do it regularly, please try to remember to do it every day. If you need a way to remind yourself, then the FedTerm front-end software has a function that will do just that. Or if you use a calendar program such as the one that comes with Outlook, get it to remind you, or use a more low-tech solution like putting a post-it note on the edge of your monitor. Or, maybe, tattoo a reminder onto the back of your hand so you cannot fail to see it when you are typing.

If you have never voted for Fed2 before, please start now. You vote for Fed2 by clicking this link then clicking the Submit button. You can also vote by going to the front page of the ibgames website and clicking the vote button.

Whichever type of voter you are... vote for Fed2 every single day! Thank you.

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