Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: bug in planet caused by dumb PO (who could it be?), more on tonight’s supermoon lunar eclipse, simulating conditions on Mars for a whole year, ice cream that won’t melt, whisky in space, goths and depression, stupid criminal asks for bank transfer, a robot that makes doner kebabs, and a picture of a spiral aurora. Plus Alan’s tech newsletter, Winding Down.
Official News
The amazing story of the fantastic planet bug and its marvellous, wonderful fix
Real life news: last minute informationa about tonight's supermoon lunar eclipse
Real life-news: a year in isolation in a Mars simulation
Real life news: unmeltable ice cream
Real life news: whisky... in... spaaaaace!
Real life news: see, I told you being a goth was bad for you!
Dumb criminal of the week: criminal wants money transferred to his own bank account
Robot of the week: the doner kebab slicer