Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: download a new version of FedTerm which fixes some bugs, how to find your FedTerm f-keys, new space habitat inflates successfully, the self-immolating solar power plant, Google patent for sticky cars, stupid selfie tourist smashes statue, the next decade of humans in space, why people make sure everything goes wrong eventually, and a picture of massive canyon on Mars. Plus Alan’s tech newsletter, Winding Down.
Official News
FedTerm bugs fixed, new version available
Where does FedTerm store my stuff?
Real life news: inflatable space habitat inflates on second try
Real life news: solar power station sets fire to itself
Real life news: Google’s sticky cars could prevent fatal injuries to pedestrians
Dumb tourist of the week: statue destroyed by selfie
On the web: exciting human space missions in the next decade
Video of the week: why the Peter Principle makes everything fail