Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: the newsdroids have another week off, new code lets you move closer during a fight, Fed’s hairdresser wins an award, seismic activity on Mercury, making electric cars go vroom vroom, a tattoo that tells you how drunk you are, a dumb criminal who sets up an elaborate fake to avoid a small speeding fine, a table of elements that shows their uses, and pictures of last week’s supermoon. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Newsdroid holiday next weekend
Real life news: Armstrong Cuthbert wins award
Real life news: Mercury is geologically active
Real life news: electric car will have to fake an engine noise
Real life news: a smart tattoo detects your alcohol level
Dumb criminal of the week: pensioner sets up fake company to get out of speeding
On the web: how the elements are used