by Alan
One of our players, who is an Apple Mac user, has helpfully come up with a way to run FedTerm on a Mac. No promises that it will definitely work with every version of OSX, but it’s checked out on a couple of the latest versions he had access to. Unfortunately, we don’t have a Mac to test it on. We did try and take out a mortgage to buy one, but the bank wouldn’t cooperate!
In any case we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Detrick for his wonderful work. Thank you!
FedTerm on the Apple Mac by – detrick -
Wineskin is a tool that can be used to port Windows applications to OSX. Port is technically the wrong word, it’s more of a wrapper. It’s basically Wine for OSX, but with some things made easier, and it’ll make an application look and feel almost like it was made for OSX. You can read about it (and, if you have a mac, obtain it from) here:
If you want to create the wrapper and run the Windows version of FedTerm on OSX, the basic steps are:
0) Download FedTerm for Windows:
1) Download “Wineskin Winery” from
2) Install “Wineskin Winery” (instructions can be found in their manual, but the install is really no different than most other OSX applications
3) Open the Winery, select an engine (the newest one is generally best, but older ones will probably also work), and click “Create New Blank Wrapper”
4) When prompted, give your new application a name (I recommend “FedTerm”)
5) After a few minutes (be patient!) it should report that the wrapper has been created. Click the button to “View wrapper in Finder”
6) Double click on the newly created wrapper named FedTerm (or whatever you named it)
7) Click “Install Software”, then “Choose Setup Executable”, and find the FedTermSetUp.exe (probably in your Downloads folder)
8) Follow the installation steps to install the software; it is advised to not check the box to install a desktop shortcut
9) When the install completes, the wrapper should be ready for use. The last step in the install process will allow you to launch the application. If you want to launch it another time, double click on FedTerm in Finder or from Launchpad, just like you would do for any other application.
Alternatively, I’ve created a wrapper which can be downloaded here: (clicking the link will start the download). Be advised, this download is 316MB. After installation, this Wineskin version of FedTerm will be about 657MB... considerably larger than the native install! After downloading, double-click on the dmg file, then drag FedTerm to Applications in Finder. Launch FedTerm as you would any other application.
- detrick -