Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: you can now die if you get shot up in a fight, the last few things to be coded for fighting, finding out how my newsdroids got infected with ransomware, mission plans to get really close to the sun, swapping armpit bacteria to defeat BO, building an underground beer pipeline, stupid criminals caught by police before they can even commit their crime, the southern lights, and a crumbling Martian canyon. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Death by fighting: code now in
Tidying up the last few fighting loose ends
SpyNet investigates my poor newsdroids
Real life news: NASA’s mission to the sun
Real life news: fix body odour by swapping bacteria
Real life news: piping in the beer
Dumb criminals of the week: over-dressed and over-driven
Video and pictures of the week: the southern aurora