About Open Source
Interactive Broadcasting Ltd is making the source code for a number of its utility programs available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) -
Under the terms of the license you are welcome to customise the code for your own use. You are also allowed to distribute your own version of the the program, based on the IB code, but in that case you must also distribute your code under the GNU GPL. The GPL is designed to make sure that no one can take the code and distribute it under a more restrictive license than the one they recieved.
You make, if you wish, sell any program you write based on the code you got from IB, but you must still provide the source code free on request to anyone who purchases your program.
The GPL is a product of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and most open source licenses are derived from it. You can read about the aims and objectives of the FSF and about their projects at
IB realise that not everyone one wants the same thing out of the utilities we provide, and we hope that our players will find the source code for the utilities we are releasing to be useful in building their own specific versions of the utilities.
IB can only provide support for its own versions of the utilities, but would welcome the submission of any additions which people feel would be of wider use to the community. We reserve the right to be the final arbitor of which enhancements are incorporated into IB supported version. We are also unable to formally support the code at the source code level, but we will try to answer any reasonable questions about how the code works, provided they don't strain our programming resources.
We wish everyone enjoyment in their programming.
Alan Lenton and Fi Craig
Interactive Broadcasting Ltd
The Source Files
At the moment two projects have been released to open source; this will be followed by several more over the next few months.
FedTerm (for Fed 2)