The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 9, 2008

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

With the news that Kalandra has had a baby boy, we thought we ought to come up with some suggestions for names a Fedling could be given. Here's what the players came up with.
1. Luke Skywalker - because I'm sure the force will be strong with him.
2. Ming - that's a power name if ever I heard one.
3. Slithy Tove Jnr - a name of wealth that's sure to bring riches.
4. Victor - he's sure to be a winner.
5. TQuark - nowadays you are supposed to be edgy and creative with baby names.
6. Anything along the lines of Z----Z.
7. Flanario, Jr - although that might call his parentage into doubt.
8. Gottahaulhowmuch, last name, Whatfrigginmanual.
9. Cosmic Celebrations - a very new-agey kind of name.
10. Buzz Lightyear - his future stretches to infinity and beyond.

And one name that was definitely rejected: Arlene. We wouldn't want the baby to end up like him!

Thanks to Andrew, Bourbon, Caesar, Eldrane, Joe and Smokie for their ideas. And a huge congratulations to Kalandra!

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