HOW MANY BLISH CITIES DOES A CARTEL NEED?by HazedPlutocrats who have launched a Blish city and moved it to another star system are now twiddling their thumbs (or equivalent) as they wait for Alan to finish the code to let them be put to work boosting production. But rather than stay idle, you can start to build another Blish city. You are not limited to just one city. In fact, there is no limit to the number you can build - the game will let you keep on building until the end of time itself. But just how many Blish cities is it sensible to build? Each of your member star systems can have one city attached to it. So to start with, building one city per member makes sense. But then you need to match the economic level of the cities to the needs of the star systems, and given that those needs change as planets promote, you will need to have some spares at different levels to swap in and out. You also need to remember that it will take time to move a city from one star system to another, and more time to re-tool a city to change its production slots. So you could have some more spare cities ready to go, to fill in the gaps. But you can be sure that no matter how many cities you have, at the various economic levels, there will be times when you don't have one available to move where it's needed. So then you could consider building a size 1 city and launching it in the fastest time possible to get it to where it's needed, as a stop-page until a bigger city can lumber up to take over. |