Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: Advance warning of a long reset on Tuesday, missing link bug is fixed in the colonise code, drones as small as mobile phones with wings, preparing to build a Mars rover, chocolate doesn’t help you lose weight, shoe prints help to fight crime, dumb criminal walks into his own pepper cloud, a new space drive could be the most disruptive tech of all, and a video of Pluto and its largest moon. Plus Winding Down, Alan’s technical newsletter.
Official News
Time for a full off-site backup
Real life news: US military develops micro drones
Real life news: sterilising a space facility
Real life news: how I didn’t tell you chocolate would help you lose weight
Crime-fighting device of the week: the shoe scanner
Dumb criminal of the week: crook pepper-sprays himself
On the web: disruptive technology and a new space drive