Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: US summer time ends, you can now launch missiles at your foes, what went wrong with the Mars lander, there’s been a lot of failures in space missions, final data received from Pluto flyby, medical implants made from a new super-hard metal, a hacker who left a trail to his identity, Uber finds a new way to annoy drivers, and a picture of Jupiter’s south pole. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
US clocks go back so we’re in sync again
Real life news: Mars lander fail blamed on software error
Real life news: space failures
Real life news: New Horizons sends its final flyby data
Real life news: new super-hard metal alloy could be used to make medical implants
Dumb hacker of the week: not very secret identity
Advert of the week: Uber drones