Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: the Fed DataSpace stardate reaches a significant count, politican says Star is fake news, why Titan’s sand dunes face the wrong way, Russian monument turns out to be radioactive, coffee turns out to have health benefits, hacker gets naughty song played on local radio, when two nerds go to war over which science fiction series is best, a video of an international dance, and amazing close ups pics of Jupiter’s red spot. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Fed2 Star accused of publishing fake news
Real life news: the backwards dunes of Titan
Real life news: the radioactive Russian war monument
Real life news: see, I told you coffee was good for you!
Hacker of the week: making a radio station play a rude song
Nerd criminals of the week: fight over best sci fi
Video of the week: dancing for 10,000 miles