Fed2 Star Index
In this week's Fed2 Star: BugFest postponed, climbing Everest again, Cassini is fifteen, file sharing is a good thing, creative people are nuts, electric underwear, coffee is a bad thing, ice is an even worse thing, cute animals are a good thing, a cat video, and the route to the ISS. Plus Alan’s technical column Winding Down, and a quote of the week in the Fed Funnies.
Official News
Real life news: see, I told you file sharing was good for the music industry!
Real life news: writers are completely bonkers
Hi-tech undies of the week: electric pants
Real life news: see, I told you coffee was bad for you!
Real life news: fast food ice is not so nice
Tell your boss: when you look at cute animals your productivity goes up
Cute cat vid of the week: kittens learn physics
On the web: taking a shortcut to the space station