Fed2 Star Index
In this week’s Fed2 Star: why quantum tech caused a system appeared in two cartels at once, why some star systems are no longer around, why the Schiparelli lander crashed on Mars, why the star formerly known as Alpha Centauri has a new name, why a lake of ice under the surface of Mars will aid colonists, how chemicals on your phone tell your secrets, how selfies are killing more people, how a robot rampage injured a human, and some amazing nature pictures. Plus Winding Down, the tech newsletter from Alan.
Official News
Duel-cartel star systems: an explanation
One of our star systems is missing!
Real life news: what went wrong with the Schiparelli lander
Real life news: so long, Alpha Centauri
Real life news: huge frozen underground lake found on Mars
Real life news: your phone gives away your secrets thanks to chemical deposits
Real life news: selfie deaths are on the increase
Robot of the week: violent droid attacks visitors to tech fair